Tag: social problems

They Love Me, They Love Me Not: A Look at Teen Dating Violence Signs and Prevention

teen dating violence awareness month logo

Valentine’s Day, arguably the most romantic holiday of the year, is fast approaching. As you prepare to share this day with your loved ones, take a moment to reflect on what being in a loving healthy relationship means to you. For some people, especially our youth, being in a relationship may be a completely new …

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Supporting Refugee and Migrant Children

Picture of children

Families and children from across the world are escaping to our borders in the hopes of living in a country where they will be safe from harm and have opportunities for a successful future. These children and families are changing the landscape of immigration as we know it. In the past few years, the immigrant …

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Ending Anti-Transgender Violence

Although Trans Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance have passed, the violence perpetrated against this community will not end unless we continue to fight against it year-round. As a survivor of multiple forms of anti-transgender violence, and a friend to many other trans and gender nonconforming victims and survivors, I have seen first hand …

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Anti-Transgender Violence: The Continuing Epidemic

I was raped at the age of 19, and a year later was threatened with death and sexually assaulted once more. I have been told that I “should be brought behind a barn and shot”, and that I should be “put on an island with people like [me] and have bombs dropped on [us]”, among …

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Breaking the Bonds: Moving Away from Zero-Tolerance Policies

Many of us probably grew up witnessing classmates being sent to detention, and some of us might even have feared being sent ourselves. Although our fear of detention was mostly due to the fear of getting in trouble with our parents, we were also aware that detention was a few steps away from being expelled …

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Best Practices For Grief: Parental Incarceration

Building onto our current series, this post looks at grief and loss experiences of children and teens impacted by parental incarceration.  Previously, this series explored the grief and loss experiences of children and teens touched by foster care placement,  parental deployment and death and divorce. 2.7 million children in the United States have an incarcerated parent.   …

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Best Practices For Grief: Death and Divorce

Previously, this series explored the grief experiences of children and teens impacted by parental deployment.  This series continues with the focus shifting to the impacts of death and divorce on youth today.   Below is the third video in our video series highlighting best practices for educators, teachers, and other key players in the lives …

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First Day of School Too Common a Phenomena for Youth in Foster Care

Anyone who has ever had to start a new school in the middle of the year probably remembers the barrage of feelings about the situation.  Perhaps anger at having to leave the familiar school and all of your friends behind; the anxiety felt about whether or not you will be accepted by your new peers; …

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What’s in a Twirl?

What’s in a twirl? That which by any other twirl would be so sweet…. Okay so I am taking poetic license with a classic work by William Shakespeare. Yet we should as a society be asking the question “why ask a professional female athlete to twirl and show off her outfit?” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzOeJs0Sh-c ) We should …

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Would YOU be able to survive on $15,000/year?

The U.S. federal minimum wage was first established during the Depression, and since 1933 has risen from 25 cents to $7.25 per hour.  As it stands now, three years will have passed since the last increase in the federal minimum wage, which is currently just over $15,000 a year for a full time worker.  Can …

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