Don’t stress out, but April is Stress Awareness Month, which means we’re going to talk about stress, specifically, the stress in youth and how to support them. Stress is a response to external factors that your mind and body perceive as challenging or threatening, which causes the “fight, flight, or freeze” response. Everyone experiences stress, it is …
Tag: Awareness
Mar 28
Being Queer: New Trend? Or Do We Just Not Know Our History
LGBTQIA+ HISTORY DEBUNKED “Being gay is new,” “No one was gay when I was young,” these are things we have heard in recent years as the number of out and proud youth increases. While the people saying these things may think being part of the LGBTQ+ community is new, the wide spectrum of sexuality has …
May 03
Supporting Youth Mental Health: The Do’s & Don’ts
May is National Mental Health Month. This month is set aside to help raise awareness regarding mental health concerns. As we approach the halfway mark of 2021, the world is continuing its efforts to recover from the enormously stressful, bleak, and traumatizing impacts of 2020. People are coping with the continued threat of COVID-19 and …
Apr 13
Shelter in Place Order and What It Means During Child Abuse Prevention Month
In just a short month, states across the U.S. have been unsettled by the alarming rates of new COVID-19 cases being announced each day. While the majority of Americans are fighting this battle in isolation from the comfort of their homes, many are finding it difficult to escape the stress and anxiety of it all. …
Feb 06
They Love Me, They Love Me Not: A Look at Teen Dating Violence Signs and Prevention
Valentine’s Day, arguably the most romantic holiday of the year, is fast approaching. As you prepare to share this day with your loved ones, take a moment to reflect on what being in a loving healthy relationship means to you. For some people, especially our youth, being in a relationship may be a completely new …
Jan 07
Supporting Migrant Children Part 2: Educators & Schools
Schools play an important role in supporting migrant children as they integrate into their communities or navigate the challenges of growing up as children of migrant parents. Educators can provide a place for migrant children to feel safe, learn about their community, build friendships and connections, and discover their innate strengths. Schools can support parents …
Jan 06
Supporting Migrant Children Part 1: Community Members
Out of all of the children living in the United States, over 25% live with at least one migrant parent. These first- and second-generation migrant children make up a significant portion of our population, having made the journey to the U.S. themselves or being born to parents that did. As community members, we must create …
Feb 09
Counting Calories
Yesterday I walked into one of my favorite restaurants, Chipotle. I usually order the exact same thing, a burrito bowl with chicken. However, this time I was in the mood for something new. I glanced up at the menu above the register to make my choice. As I panned across the menu I noticed what …
Nov 03
Trafficking Calls to Action
January is right around the corner. It signifies the beginning of a new year, of new opportunities and resolutions. It is also gives a solemn reminder of the 27 million people who don’t enjoy the freedoms and opportunities we do. In 2010, President Barack Obama designated January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness month. …