Tag: sexual assault

They Love Me, They Love Me Not: A Look at Teen Dating Violence Signs and Prevention

teen dating violence awareness month logo

Valentine’s Day, arguably the most romantic holiday of the year, is fast approaching. As you prepare to share this day with your loved ones, take a moment to reflect on what being in a loving healthy relationship means to you. For some people, especially our youth, being in a relationship may be a completely new …

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Armed with technology, would you help homeless youth?

Our video explores graphic facts of homelessness and the options for concerned citizens to explore.  NPR reports that the number of homeless in the US declined in 2013, however these statistics are often difficult to track from the transient and elusive nature of the populations under study.  Their report indicates that in 2013, around 610,000 …

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The Modern Day Feminist: My Take on Slutwalks

It’s often said that all it takes is a few words to spark a movement. A word, a phrase – sometimes they’re all that are needed to unite people, force them to take a stand, and change the course of history. On January 24th, 2011, a Toronto police officer from York University did just that when …

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