Approximately 4.2 million young people experience homelessness during the course of a year. A runaway or homeless youth can be anyone between the ages of 14 to 24 who do not have a stable place of residence. This includes living on the street, shelters, “couch surfing,” sleeping in cars or public transit systems or living …
Tag: foster care
Mar 14
#APYDCHAT: Ending Youth Homelessness
Approximately 4.2 million youth in America are experiencing homelessness. Unfortunately, being homeless is something that is not always visible to the public eye. Homeless youth, in particular, are a hidden population that often couch-surf with friends, and are left out of most Point-in-Time counts. Still, current data indicate that youth homelessness is on the rise. From …
Nov 16
Best Practices for Grief: Foster Care
We remove them from their homes with promises of a better life. We elude them with dreams of safety and a life free from the trauma and pain that often silences the voices of this population of children and teens living in foster care. Often, key players in the lives of foster care youth …
Nov 02 2015
It’s Grief To Me – Death, Divorce, Incarceration, Deployment and Foster Care
When I graduated from high school, I never intended on going back. Then 13 years later, I found myself walking the halls of someone else’s high school thinking about that period of my own life that was so fraught with darkness. But this time my role was different. I was different. I was a mental …
Oct 19
Grief and Loss – Grieving Children in the U.S.
Each of us are impacted by grief and loss. For some, the words “grief” and “loss,” signify the pain one feels after they’ve lost a loved one to death. For others, the words “grief” and “loss” have a different meaning. November 19, 2015 is Children’s Grief Awareness Day. In an effort to help spread the …
Aug 14
First Day of School Too Common a Phenomena for Youth in Foster Care
Anyone who has ever had to start a new school in the middle of the year probably remembers the barrage of feelings about the situation. Perhaps anger at having to leave the familiar school and all of your friends behind; the anxiety felt about whether or not you will be accepted by your new peers; …