Kristen Wendt

Kristen is a senior communication major, sociology and psychology minor from Villanova University. Kristen's interest in social justice began shortly after arriving at Villanova in 2009. She has participated in many different volunteer opportunities like Special Olympics, Bigs and Littles, and an after-school program in Philadelphia during her time at Villanova. She has also participated in multiple service break experiences to Kentucky, Alabama, and Costa Rica to confront issues on everything from homelessness to environmental sustainability. Kristen was a Program and Research Intern for the SISGI Group for the summer of 2012, and will continue to write articles on issues of advertising, the media, gender, and education. Follow her on Pinterest

Most commented posts

  1. Olympic Coverage: Let’s Hear it for the “Girls” — 9 comments
  2. Girls’ Self Esteem Peaks At Age Nine — 3 comments
  3. The Gendered Nature of the English Language — 2 comments
  4. The Modern Day Feminist: Doorholding 101 — 2 comments
  5. Gender & Media: Behind the Weight Loss Craze — 2 comments

Author's posts

Myth vs. Reality: Does Africa Really Need Saving?

Cupcakes. Skinny jeans. Reality shows. All are trends that have exploded in popularity within the United States in the last decade. Another recent trend? “Saving Africa”. Earlier in the week, I wrote about the common myths and misconceptions having to do with the continent of Africa, many of which stem from the mainstream American media. …

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Myth vs. Reality: There Aren’t Tigers in Africa?

Contrary to popular belief, tigers are not native to Africa. In fact, the only tigers that live on the entire continent are those used for breeding in zoos or on other special reserves. Personally, I was shocked when I heard this fact. How are there no tigers in Africa? What about the lions, and elephants, and zebras? …

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It’s Not Time to Retire the “Pink Collar” Label Just Yet

A recent study was released, which compared women’s median wages to those of men who held the same jobs. The study compared the 20 Most Common Occupations for Women with their male counterparts. Among the top five occupations on the list? Secretaries and administrative assistants. Elementary and middle school teachers. Registered nurses. Nursing, psychiatric, and …

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Nine-Year-Old Blogger Changes School Lunch System

English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton once stated, “the pen is mightier than the sword”. An act as simple as writing has the power to influence people, sway opinions, and forever change the course of history. This centuries-old adage has shown itself to be true time and time again. Sometimes it is referring to something as powerful …

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Gender & Media: Behind the Weight Loss Craze

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” ~ Kate Moss, 2009 Or at least that’s Kate Moss’ take on things. In 2009, Kate Moss was highly criticized for publicizing such a dangerous, and detrimental motto. Mainstream media and bloggers alike slammed her for setting such a poor example when it came to the body image …

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Gender and Media: Breaking Down Beer Commercials

Some people find commercials entertaining. Others find them annoying. However, what everyone can agree on is that they’re everywhere. The average person sees around two million commercials by the time they reach the age of 65. The average child sees around twenty-thousand 30-second long commercials every single year. Commercials are here to stay. And what …

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Gender & Media: Whose Story is Really Being Told in Music Videos?

Music videos have become a staple in our culture since the start of MTV in 1981. There’s been Total Request Live. Vh1’s Top 20 Video Countdown. Nowadays, YouTube is the newest platform for teens and adults alike to view music videos at any time of the day. What do all these platforms have in common? …

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Students Turn Science Project into Reality

“Organic” is in. Same goes for “all natural”. “Fresh”. “Healthy”. Welcome to food marketing in the 21st century. Food buzzwords are everywhere these days, which leaves you wondering… what is real? A recent trend is community supported agriculture (CSA), in which you pay a local farmer at the beginning of a farming season and in …

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A Step in the Right Direction

Homelessness is a very evident, and very visible problem in the United States. It is not unusual to pass by a homeless man sitting on the side of the street on your way to work, or to see a whole crowd of sleeping men while running through the park. The hard truth is that after …

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TIPS Project: When Attitudes Affect Actions

In the United States, schizophrenia is something that we fear. Ignore. Avoid. When we think of schizophrenia, our first thought jumps to an image of Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Time and time again, the media portrays individuals with schizophrenia as crazy, violent, and dangerous. But it doesn’t have to be …

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