Category: Band-aid for a heart attack

Small solutions for a major crisis or social problem. Ineffective methods to address issues.

Who’s In Control of Water: 6th World Water Forum

Two years ago I traveled to Peru for some volunteer work through the ProWorld organization at NYU.  The work that all of the students did there were mostly built clay stoves with chimneys leading outside the house for better breathing conditions.  But during this trip, what struck me the most besides the poor breathing conditions …

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Does it get Better?

I recently wrote a post about the rising gay teen suicide rate due to bullying in schools. After researching and reading about the increasingly devastating number of LGBT youth who have committed suicide, I attempted to come up with a strong plan that might put an end this tragedy. Through my scouring of the web, …

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UN Resolution on Syria: What’s the Point?

I’ve written a lot about Syria these last several months, and if you’ve read any of my posts you know that I am not very optimistic about the situation.  Al-Assad has repeatedly promised the Arab League that he will end the violence in his country, and yet every day there is another story in the …

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Why We Need to Rehabilitate Former Child Soldiers

Recently I read an article that told the story of a former child soldier who fought in the civil war in Burundi.  The story recounted his tale and brushed on his use of narcotics as a means to escape his memories of the war.  As I read this I could not help thinking; this man …

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Heavy Marketing

I noticed an interesting phenomenon the other day. As I sat down to watch my favorite show on television, I started closely observing the commercials. A few car commercials passed and then a commercial for Pretzel M&M’s, a few more commercials were played and then a McDonald’s commercial. I also saw a commercial for Snickers …

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Counting Calories

Yesterday I walked into one of my favorite restaurants, Chipotle. I usually order the exact same thing, a burrito bowl with chicken. However, this time I was in the mood for something new. I glanced up at the menu above the register to make my choice. As I panned across the menu I noticed what …

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Is a “Burmese Spring” Happening?

“What about Burma?”  Since the beginning of the Arab Spring I have found myself thinking this often.  Burma has been torn apart by civil war for over 60 years in what is currently the longest running war in the world.  Even today, in a time where Burma seems to be heading more and more towards …

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What Kind of “Change” Are Companies Really Trying to Make?

Imagine today you woke up and decided, “I’m going to start a business.”  Whether you have an MBA or half a year of college under your belt, there are certain steps you realize you’ll need to take to see your vision come to life.  First, you’ll need a business proposal, a financial plan, investors, permits …

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Prescription Drug Abuse: A Side Effect of the U.S. Recession

Starting in 2007 we had the worst recession in U.S. history and the only economic event that has ever been worse was the depression.  People were losing their homes due to being upside down on their mortgages.  Unemployment sky rocketed to over 10% for the nation.  Suicides and episodes of domestic violence increased.  Unfortunately drug …

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Accomplishing Universal Primary Education

One of the United Nation’s eight millennium development goals for 2015 is to achieve universal primary education. This means that both boys and girls, regardless of where in the world they live, will be able to complete a full primary school education. To give you an idea of how challenging of an effort this is, …

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