Tag: Asia

Midwives Matter for Maternal Health and More

May 5 is International Day of the Midwife, a globally recognized day to acknowledge the work of midwives around the world. Midwives are an undervalued asset in many countries. But the truth is, midwives could be key to achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4, 5, and 6, to reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, and …

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¿Y a quien le incumbe?-Una mirada mas cercana hacia el Tibet

Read this post in English. La semana pasada, de una manera media esporádica, decidí que me voy a Dharamsala, India en junio (lo pueden llamar un regalo de graduación para mi misma).  Para que todos sepa, Dharamsala se encuentra al norte de la India por el Himalaya y al sur del Tíbet. Además del voluntariado …

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Who’s Business Is It? – A Closer Look at Tibet

So last week I sort-of sporadically decided that I’m going to Dharamsala, India in June (you can call it a graduation gift to myself).  To let everyone, know Dharamsala is in northern India by the Himalayas and south of Tibet.  Besides the community service I’ll be doing there, one of the most important reasons I …

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Why We Need to Rehabilitate Former Child Soldiers

Recently I read an article that told the story of a former child soldier who fought in the civil war in Burundi.  The story recounted his tale and brushed on his use of narcotics as a means to escape his memories of the war.  As I read this I could not help thinking; this man …

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Voluntourism in Rural Laos

Since this is a holiday weekend, I thought I would post something a bit more lighthearted: a Youtube video about voluntourism and sustainable travel in Laos.  Voluntourism, or volunteer tourism, has gained a lot of popularity in recent years as tourists search for ways to have a unique vacation experience and give back to the …

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The Little Know Details of Trafficking Men

Ever since I was 13 and went on a family vacation to Phuket, Thailand, I have been obsessed with making plans to one day return.  As I grew older and read more about Thailand, however, I was starting to learn that not everything about this country was beautiful.  Human trafficking has been a huge problem …

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