Imagine if half of the US were without power. The country would come to a complete standstill. Some people would be able to travel and those with generators would be fine, but work and the economy would slow to a halt. Now imagine the entire US population was without power; then double that. That’s what …
Tag: sustainability
Apr 27
Del Macro al Micro: Conferencia en Harvard
Read post in English El sábado pasado fui a Harvard para la Conferencia de Desarrollo Internacional (CID), como representante del Grupo SISGI. Los estudiantes de universidades de diversos países y muchas partes del mundo (América Latina, Asia) estaban ansiosos de tener la oportunidad de aprender de la experiencia de profesionales y académicos. Fue una conferencia …
Apr 06
Fukushima y Deepwater Horizon: reacciones políticas
Read this post in English Abril 2010: Deepwater Horizon, fuga de petróleo en el golfo de México. Durante tres meses, el petróleo fluye sin cesar. Este fue el mayor derrame de petróleo en la historia del oro negro. La explosión mata a 11 hombres. El derrame causó daño ambiental en los hábitats marinos y en …
Mar 30
Fukushima vs Deepwater Horizon: political reactions
April 2010: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. During three months, oil flows unabated. This is the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of oil extraction. The explosion kills 11 men. The spill caused extensive environmental damage to marine and wildlife habitats, as well as economic damage to the fishing and tourism industries. March 2011: …
Dec 12
Entendiendo el cambio climatico
Read this post in English El cambio climático es aceptado como un hecho científico hoy en día, la discusión ha terminado. Las temperaturas medias globales están en aumento y se pueden relacionar con las actividades humanas que han llevado al aumento de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono durante los últimos siglos. Pero la discusión sobre …
Nov 15
Granjas verticales
Read this post in English ¿La nueva revolución verde sucederá en las ciudades? Existen dos principales razones para explicar el creciente interés en la agricultura urbana. Una de ellas es la creciente preocupación que muchos individuos sienten sobre los impactos en la salud y en el medio ambiente de la agricultura industrial. La agricultura urbana …
Sep 16
Greenpeace 40 year Anniversary: How Much Has Been done?
Today, I was forwarded a Youtube clip from a friend only titled “Greenpeace”. While I was expecting a video of protesters waving signs on a dingy boat out in the Aleutian Islands, I instead got a cacophony of foul language and brief clips of international people on telephones. I had no idea what where it …
Aug 10
Lebanon’s agricultural challenges
Facing climate change and modernization Lebanon is a relatively resource rich country. It has no deserts, it has good arable land, it has four seasons and it is the most water-gifted country in the Arab world. But despite such natural attributes, Lebanon is a food import dependent country for 70% of its total food consumption. …
Jul 05
Smart Design, Better Solutions
A few weeks ago I was walking in New York City without direction nor destination. By a series of fortunate events, I unexpectedly came across a really good conference held at the New York Center for Architecture. The conferece was discussing the winner of the Buckminster Fuller Challenge (from the Buckminster Institute). The Buckminster Fuller …