Lao PDR has one of the highest growth rates in Southeast Asia with 6% increase every year in the last decade. Even the level of poverty has been declining. However, the country is still one of the least developed in Southeast Asia and the level of poverty is still largely apparent in this economy. Laos …
Tag: Poverty Reduction
Apr 27
Del Macro al Micro: Conferencia en Harvard
Read post in English El sábado pasado fui a Harvard para la Conferencia de Desarrollo Internacional (CID), como representante del Grupo SISGI. Los estudiantes de universidades de diversos países y muchas partes del mundo (América Latina, Asia) estaban ansiosos de tener la oportunidad de aprender de la experiencia de profesionales y académicos. Fue una conferencia …
Apr 19
IDC Harvard: Micro evidence, macro learning
Last Saturday I attended Harvard’s International Development Conference (IDC) as a representative of the SISGI Group. The IDC is an annual conference organized by Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Students from many different universities and many parts of the world (Latin America, Asia) were eager to hear from the experience of professionals and academics. …
Feb 21
What You Don’t Know About U.S. Foreign Aid
This week Congress has been debating the upcoming year’s budget, with the new Republican leadership in the House of Representatives vowing to cut spending as much as possible. Included in those spending cuts is US Foreign Aid, or Official Development Assistance (ODA). House Republicans proposed up to 50% cuts in the funding of critical development …