Tag: social justice

The Homelessness Series: Andre’s Story

Social justice, good. Charity, bad. At least that’s always been my philosophy. It’s simple. Straightforward. Easy to follow. Maybe that’s the problem. This personal philosophy first developed sometime around my sophomore year in college. After participating in several break trips, and spending a lot of time reflecting on systemic social problems and injustices, I grew …

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How Pinterest is (Not) Killing Feminism

Maybe you’ve seen it. There’s a piece circulating online with the title “How Pinterest is Killing Feminism”. Avid pinner and fellow feminist myself, all it took was the title to get my attention. My first reaction was anger. Then, I was insulted. How dare they make such an accusation about my beloved pasttime? The article sat …

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Entendiendo el cambio climatico

Read this post in English El cambio climático es aceptado como un hecho científico hoy en día, la discusión ha terminado. Las temperaturas medias globales están en aumento y se pueden relacionar con las actividades humanas que han llevado al aumento de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono durante los últimos siglos. Pero la discusión sobre …

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Understanding climate change

By now, it is accepted as a scientific fact that climate change is happening. The average global temperatures are rising and it is related to the human activities and the increase of emissions of carbon dioxide over the last centuries. But the discussion as to what we should do about climate change is more complex …

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Saving Lives through Public Transportation

I recently read an article about a mother, Raquel, that had been sentenced to prison for the death of her child, after a car hit her son (who consequently died) as he crossed the street. The mother was sentenced in spite of the fact that the driver who ran over them was drunk. An accident …

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