Tag: Global Health

Drug Lords Can’t Advertise

Sometimes people don’t bother to learn about global issues…because they’re global.  Many think that some issues are so big that they are best left to the government and to agencies like the United Nations.  The Mexican Drug War is one of these issues that has become so involved among different countries that people feel better …

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Heavy Marketing

I noticed an interesting phenomenon the other day. As I sat down to watch my favorite show on television, I started closely observing the commercials. A few car commercials passed and then a commercial for Pretzel M&M’s, a few more commercials were played and then a McDonald’s commercial. I also saw a commercial for Snickers …

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The Sad Tune of Headphones

For many young people, listening to music while walking down the street has become a pretty common practice.  Thousands of students on college campuses, as well as high school and middle school students, can be seen bopping about to their iPods or mp3 players.  However, there is a major issue coming out of this new …

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Counting Calories

Yesterday I walked into one of my favorite restaurants, Chipotle. I usually order the exact same thing, a burrito bowl with chicken. However, this time I was in the mood for something new. I glanced up at the menu above the register to make my choice. As I panned across the menu I noticed what …

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Sistema alimentario en peligro

La seguridad alimentaria es un tema que ha siempre interesado y preocupado a economistas, agrónomos y políticos. Desde 1800, algunos economistas predijeron la escasez alimentaria (la teoría de Malthus), que causaría hambrunas y muertes ya que la producción agrícola no sería suficiente. Aunque la teoría resultó ser equivocada, hoy en día es importante reconsiderar la …

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Food system at peril

Food security is a topic that economists, agronomists and politicians are always concerned about. Since the 1800’s, some economists predicted that we were going to face serious scarcities (Malthus’s theory) causing famines and deaths. Although the theory turned out to be wrong, nowadays it is still important to take seriously Malthus’s prediction since we can …

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Farmers’ Markets: The Potential Cure for Food Deserts?

For millions of U.S. citizens their diets consist primarily of fast food. Unfortunately, however, this is not by choice. While no one is sitting these Americans down and forcing burgers and fries down their throats, many people would argue that they are still indirectly forced to eat this type of food. Now I’m sure you’re …

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The Ways Economic Inequality is Making Us Sick

Last week I was on my way to a meeting while listening to my favorite show on public radio. I arrived at my location, parked and just as I was going to get out of the car, I heard the commentator discuss how economic inequality was making the world sick. I didn’t have time to …

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Understanding climate change

By now, it is accepted as a scientific fact that climate change is happening. The average global temperatures are rising and it is related to the human activities and the increase of emissions of carbon dioxide over the last centuries. But the discussion as to what we should do about climate change is more complex …

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Escapándose del cambio ambiental

Read this post in English Cada invierno, los habitantes de Florida ven un aumento de “snowbirds” en sus comunidades. Los “Snowbirds” son norteños que migran al Sur durante el verano. Su migración es debida a los duros inviernos del Norte y su búsqueda de calor en el estado con Rayos de Sol. A pesar de …

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