Sean Haggerty

Sean Haggerty is a graduate student from the University of Southern California, concentrating in Community Organizing, Administration, and Planning. With volunteer experience, both home and abroad, Sean works most passionately with disaster relief, poverty, and environmental sustainability, leading and joining various efforts to decrease the impact of each. Sean also maintains several years experience in youth development and providing in-home services to families experiencing the impacts of poverty, discrimination, and mental health issues. As an ISC intern, Sean looks forward to focusing on the call for diversity in the environmental movement, volunteerism and social capital as they relate to poverty alleviation, and disaster relief.

Most commented posts

  1. To Go or Not To Go: Voluntourism — 3 comments
  2. So is Voluntourism the Road Better Traveled? — 1 comment

Author's posts

Housing First Model for Homelessness?

Is it time to start thinking differently about homelessness?  There’s a broad spectrum of approaches and opinions surrounding homelessness in the US and its assumed you are somewhere on that continuum.  The Veteran’s Administration and Barack Obama have declared to end veteran homelessness by 2015, although results and progress remain to be seen.  What if …

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Armed with technology, would you help homeless youth?

Our video explores graphic facts of homelessness and the options for concerned citizens to explore.  NPR reports that the number of homeless in the US declined in 2013, however these statistics are often difficult to track from the transient and elusive nature of the populations under study.  Their report indicates that in 2013, around 610,000 …

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So is Voluntourism the Road Better Traveled?

Voluntourism, as discussed in a previous blog, To Go Or Not To Go, provides a unique impact and scope compared to traditional donations.  The second part of the series seeks to uncover the road of donations as compared to voluntourism in terms of reaching the destination, community impact, and the values of overhead.  The analysis …

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Bridging Social Capital for your Community

The United Nations is currently developing comprehensive assessments of the impact of social capital in communities and purports that volunteerism is the heart of social capital.  As such, it is significant for volunteers and those creating volunteer opportunities to be mindful of the approaches and opportunities being created.  To create bridging social capital requires a …

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To Go or Not To Go: Voluntourism

With the advent of global media and an increasingly connected world, the average citizen is drastically more informed and aware than yesteryear’s counterpart.  This media saturation combined with man’s natural tendency to travel has produced a budding practice coined voluntourism, where socially conscious travelers are able to incorporate humanistic ambitions with new and exciting experiences …

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