Michelle Bovee

Michelle Bovée studied at James Madison University in Virginia, where she graduated with a BA in Political Science with a focus on international and comparative politics. She is currently attending the London School of Economics to get her Masters in International Relations. Michelle has been a Program and Research Intern with the SISGI Group since summer 2011, and is now a featured writer. She will post every fourth Monday on international economic development, the political and economic ramifications of the Arab Spring, and sustainable tourism.

Most commented posts

  1. Myanmar and the Politics of Tourism — 5 comments
  2. Voluntourism: the Good and the Bad — 4 comments
  3. Voluntourism Certification — 4 comments
  4. Responsible Tourism Reaches Egypt — 4 comments
  5. Abortion-Included Tours — 4 comments

Author's posts

Craft Beer and the Global Economy

I consider myself a bit of a beer snob, shunning the classic college staple of Natty Light for the much more expensive—but much better—craft beers like Dogfish Head, Bell’s, and Devil’s Backbone, so when I came across an article about how craft brewing companies were improving Colorado’s economy it got me thinking.   See, this article …

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Tourism in the Korean DMZ

I find North Korea to be a fascinating case study; I’ve read books about peoples experiences there (for class and outside of class), watched documentaries, and followed news coverage on the country for years.  So when I saw an article about tourism in the DMZ I knew I had to write about it! Kim Il-Sung, …

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Bahraini Activists Gain Steam

It’s pretty easy to forget that the Arab Spring is more than just Egypt, Libya, and Syria; those three countries dominate the news, particularly Syria, while the other countries involved in the movement are largely ignored.  So today I’ve decided to devote a post to Bahrain, which has been mostly out of the media since …

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The Economics of Happiness

Whenever I tell people that I’m an economics minor, I tend to get the same reaction: ew, why?  There are a lot of misconceptions about economics out there; I’ve been told by various people that the subject is boring, that it’s too hard, that there’s too much math involved, that the professors are too dry, …

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Myanmar and the Politics of Tourism

Several months ago I wrote a post on the future of tourism in Myanmar (better known as Burma), which many groups were hoping to capitalize on in the coming years.  Myanmar has been largely untouched by tourists thanks to a combination of government restrictions and sanctions imposed by countries like the US, and now that …

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Separatism in Libya

I’m sure that you were expecting to read a post about the latest development in Syria today, and, to be honest, that’s what I was planning on writing about.  But as I was reading news article about Assad’s latest peace plan and the continued violence, I realized I really didn’t have much to say that …

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Cambodia’s First IPO

Over the summer I wrote a blog post about the Cambodian Securities Exchange (CSX), which is the world’s smallest stock market—a stock market without stocks.  I explained that opening a stock market without any companies listed for trade was not as crazy as it sounded; opening a market marks a new phase of economic development …

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Holy Land Tourism

I had every intention of writing a follow-up piece to my much-discussed post on sustainable tourism in the Sinai Peninsula today, but while I was looking for news sources I came across something that I found very interesting: Holy Land tourism.  So responsible tourism in Egypt will just have to wait for a another day, I …

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International Women’s Day and the Arab Spring

Today, March 8th, is International Women’s Day, and in honor of this event the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars released a special report on how women have fared in the Arab Spring.  They asked a variety of women to comment on the events, and a surprising number of them were not very positive.  Women …

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Millennium Development Goal Achieved: Now What?

Quite a few posts have been written here at NotEnoughGood about the UN millennium development goals (MDGs), but this post is a bit different.  I’m not going to describe the goals or how they came to be or the latest UN meeting—you can click through the archives or do a quick Google search for that.  …

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