Tag: Arab Spring

Getting the Truth in Syria

Syria has, understandably, been a top point in the news lately as conflict continues to rage.  Indeed, I’ve written quite a few posts on Syria in the past, and could continue to write about the country for some time while only barely scratching the surface of the issues.  A quick Google search for news in …

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Is a Turkish Peace Deal Possible?

A couple months ago I wrote about violent conflicts on the Turkey-Syria border, as well as the mounting dissatisfaction with the Turkish governments handling of the situation, and since then the situation has, unfortunately, deteriorated further.  There have been numerous outbursts of violence in the intervening months, with the most recent clash having occurred over …

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Border Clashes Create Anger in Turkey

It’s been a while since I’ve written about the Arab Spring, mostly because it’s not really the “Arab Spring” anymore. Egypt, Syria, Libya, and others, have been struggling for two years now, and there is little hope that the conflict will be resolved any time soon, particularly in Syria.   The violence in Syria has …

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Jordanian Elections: Tipping Point

Jordan has largely stayed out of the news since the start of the Arab Spring, as the country has–so far–managed to avoid any major shake-ups or protests.  This may be about to change, however.  Resentment against King Abdullah II has been building for some time, and these elections were a way for his government to show …

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Electricity and the Arab Spring

If you were wondering why I missed my post last week, it’s  because I was one of the million+ people who lost power during the storm that hit the east coast on the 29th.  I was without power for 6 days–almost 7–which meant no internet, no television, no air conditioning, and, since our house has well …

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Egypt: Islamic Democracy?

For those of you that don’t know, the Pew Research Center conducts surveys on public opinion (among other things) with the goal of providing information on the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping America and the world.  One of their most recent publications as part of their Global Attitudes Project, the branch of the center that …

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Bahraini Activists Gain Steam

It’s pretty easy to forget that the Arab Spring is more than just Egypt, Libya, and Syria; those three countries dominate the news, particularly Syria, while the other countries involved in the movement are largely ignored.  So today I’ve decided to devote a post to Bahrain, which has been mostly out of the media since …

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End of Year Review: Arab Spring, Part Three

After reading parts one and two of this series on the Arab Spring, you hopefully have a better grasp on what some of the major moments of the movements were, how the revolutionaries in various countries drew inspiration from each other, and the difficulties of transitioning to a democracy.  So, for this post, I thought …

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End of Year Review: Arab Spring, Part Two

For part one of this series, click here. Libya February 16th, 2011—Demonstrators, emulating those in Tunisia and Egypt (which Libya is located between), take to the streets of Benghazi to protest Muammar Gaddafi’s 41 year regime.  The arrest of Libyan human rights activist Fethi Tarbel is believed to have sparked the protest.  An estimated 38 …

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End of Year Review: Arab Spring, Part 1

            A lot has happened in the Middle East and North Africa in the last year, and if you’re anything like me you’ve had a difficult time trying to keep up with all the protests, names, elections, et cetera.  So I’m doing a 3-part series on the Arab Spring.  The first …

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