Tag: environment

Holy Heat Wave: Is this proof of Climate Change?

I’m sure most of you reading this have experienced or have heard about how triple digit hot, and I mean hot, it has been from the Midwest to the East Coast the past week and a half. This summer is brutal and it’s only just started. Already dozens have died from these record high temperatures. …

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The Rise of Brazil: Part 1

Have you noticed lately that Brazil has been in the international spotlight… a lot? It seems like every week I see some new headline about Brazil in relation to:1) a major international convention, 2) a major international sports event or 3) an issue involving development in the Amazon. The attention is good, bad and/ or …

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What really happens when you get rid of those old CDs?

The other day I was cleaning out my room and found a pile of old CDs that I no longer had any use for (Hanson and I parted ways a long time ago). Now, I know what I’m supposed to do when I want to get rid of old electrics and the like: recycle them. …

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World Environment Day 2012: What does it mean to you?

Did you know that June 5th is World Environment Day? Yeah, me either. That is until I noticed a tweet a few days ago that alerted me to this fact. If you’re into all things environmental you probably already know about this. If you’re not, you’re probably asking yourself “Wait, what is she talking about?” …

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What Happens When the Islands Sink?

Islands around the world are starting to disappear, or “sink”, and the lack of attention to this issue is disturbing. Islands in the South Pacific, Indian Ocean and even the United States are starting to witness continuous rising water levels and stronger storm and tidal surges that threaten to extinct islands and have devastating effects …

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Students Turn Science Project into Reality

“Organic” is in. Same goes for “all natural”. “Fresh”. “Healthy”. Welcome to food marketing in the 21st century. Food buzzwords are everywhere these days, which leaves you wondering… what is real? A recent trend is community supported agriculture (CSA), in which you pay a local farmer at the beginning of a farming season and in …

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Al Fin ¿Quién Valida Las Regulaciones Hídricas?

Read this post in English A menudo tendemos a hacer generalizaciones y simplificaciones sobre cuestiones mundiales. Mi área de investigación referente a la privatización del agua ha dado lugar a muchas preguntas interesantes, más que respuestas concretas. En parte, creo que estas preguntas pueden conducir a enangostar decisiones políticas para obtener resultados más adecuados. Lo …

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Who’s Enforcing Water Regulations Anyway?

We often tend to make over-generalizations and over-simplifications in addressing global issues.  My research area of water privatization has lead to many interesting questions, more so, than concrete answers.  Partly, I think that these questions can lead to narrowing down policy decisions for more suitable results.  What I’ve seen is that these over-generalizations can lead to …

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Turn Out the Lights

This a video in the form of a public service announcement that encourages people to conserve energy by remembering to turn off unnecessary lights, and leave them off for as long as possible. What is your reaction to this video? Do you have other ideas that people could use to conserve energy in their home …

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Unsustainable Consumerism Part 4: Disposal

After three posts on the materials economy we’ve followed the story of our stuff through extraction, production, distribution, and consumption.  What’s left? Well, what do you think happens to our stuff after we’re done with it?  I mentioned in my last post that 99% of the stuff we purchase gets thrown away within 6 months.  Today …

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