In my previous post, I raised the issue of violence against women with disabilities. Research and statistics have helped to raise awareness in our society about domestic and gender-based violence. However, as I discussed previously, the link between violence and disability is still very under-researched, and the consequence is that many women with disabilities are …
Tag: disability issues
Jul 04
Violence against Women with Disabilities
Although statistics vary widely from disability to disability, women with disabilities (WWDs) in general are more likely to experience physical, sexual, and emotional abuse for longer periods of time than women without disabilities. One of the biggest obstacles to understanding the prevalence and effects of violence against women with disabilities is the dearth of research …
Jun 20
Second Life Offers Virtual Abled and Disabled Experiences
Some would scoff at the idea of living with an alternate identity in a virtual world, as in the popular Sims games, or the widely-played “massively-multiplayer online role-playing games” (MMORPG). However, since it was introduced in 2003, the online virtual world called Second Life has completely transformed self-expression. Because of its user-friendliness and a multitude …
Jun 17
The Right to Die
In my previous post I talked about the conflict between a women’s rights to choose abortion, and the ethical danger of normalizing the practice of abortion in order to eradicate disability. Medical professionals and parents-to-be may argue that, due to environmental barriers, cultural stigmas, or the lack of available medical options, the quality of life …