14 results for ICC

Puerto Rico After María: Tarps for My People

relief after hurricane maria

One goal of the SISGI Beyond Good Ideas Foundation #Voices4PR social media campaign is to raise awareness of the current situation in Puerto Rico. Many families in Puerto Rico are still without electricity stability, clean water, roofs, and resources to satisfy other basic needs. The mental health traumatic effects after María are still untreated, and the …

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¿Las Libertades Civiles Estadounidenses Reprimidas En El 2012?

Read this post in English La semana pasada me topé con una noticia que tenía que ver con uno de los temas más controvertidos en los EE.UU.: el aborto. Las últimas noticias sobre este tema tiene que ver con la polémica de la  legislación contra el aborto de Virginia, que ha creado muchas protestas, especialmente …

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Amnesty International Celebrates 50 years

With the 50 year anniversary of Amnesty International, how have you gotten involved in the movement? Do you know what AI is advocating for? What do you think they should do for the next 50 years to get their messages of human rights more widely appreciated?


¿Y a quien le incumbe?-Una mirada mas cercana hacia el Tibet

Read this post in English. La semana pasada, de una manera media esporádica, decidí que me voy a Dharamsala, India en junio (lo pueden llamar un regalo de graduación para mi misma).  Para que todos sepa, Dharamsala se encuentra al norte de la India por el Himalaya y al sur del Tíbet. Además del voluntariado …

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Los Capos Sin Publicidad

Read this post in English A veces las personas no se molestan en aprender acerca de los problemas globales… porque son globales. Muchos piensan que algunos problemas son tan grandes que es mejor dejarlos al gobierno y a organizaciones como las Naciones Unidas.  La lucha contra el narcotráfico en México es una de estas cuestiones que …

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Sistema alimentario en peligro

La seguridad alimentaria es un tema que ha siempre interesado y preocupado a economistas, agrónomos y políticos. Desde 1800, algunos economistas predijeron la escasez alimentaria (la teoría de Malthus), que causaría hambrunas y muertes ya que la producción agrícola no sería suficiente. Aunque la teoría resultó ser equivocada, hoy en día es importante reconsiderar la …

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Child Poverty in America

When the recession hit in 2008 I was living in Port St. Lucie, Florida.  Port St. Lucie is a small city on the east coast side of Florida about midway in between Orlando and Fort Lauderdale.  Florida was hit particularly hard by the recession and the unemployment rate jumped from 8% to 16% in some …

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Panetta’s Candor

When it comes to explaining military engagements abroad, candor is key. Defense Secretary Panetta seems to agree. Five years ago, I had just begun my studies of the Arabic language at the Defense Language Institute. Almost all of the instructors were native to Arab speaking nations, allowing us exposure to a variety of backgrounds and …

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Sudan’s Chinese Influence

President Hu Jintao’s pledge to continue investing heavily into Sudan raises a few cautionary flags In my post on Sudan’s wildlife, I briefly mentioned how countries that rely on Sudan’s oil reserves will continue to be among the country’s strongest supporters. I cited China as a key example of this, seeing as how 2/3rds of …

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Sudan – The Human Cost

On Tuesday, I wrote about foreign aid into Sudan. While I did write a few lines about the security situation there, I didn’t go into much detail about it. I have a tendency to get caught up in the numbers and facts of aid. Sometimes it’s good for me to remind myself of the human …

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