Julia Naime

Julia Naime (@julianasah) was a research intern at the SISGI Group. She is a graduate of New York University majoring in Economics. During her internship, she researched rural and international development and environmental policies.

Most commented posts

  1. El Sistema: Music for change — 3 comments
  2. Saving Lives through Public Transportation — 2 comments
  3. Conservation and development — 1 comment
  4. Information and Consumption — 1 comment
  5. Mexico’s Rural Migrations — 1 comment

Author's posts

Hidden factor of food price volatility

In the context of our fragile economic recovery, the prices of food, oil and other commodities have risen again. In December of 2010, the FAO food price index reached its 2008 peak; sugar, oils and fats being among the agricultural products that most significantly increased. For instance, the price of rice rose by 127%: wheat …

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Del Macro al Micro: Conferencia en Harvard

Read post in English El sábado pasado fui a Harvard para la Conferencia de Desarrollo Internacional (CID), como representante del Grupo SISGI. Los estudiantes de universidades de diversos países y muchas partes del mundo (América Latina, Asia) estaban ansiosos de tener la oportunidad de aprender de la experiencia de profesionales y académicos. Fue una conferencia …

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IDC Harvard: Micro evidence, macro learning

Last Saturday I attended Harvard’s International Development Conference (IDC) as a representative of the SISGI Group. The IDC is an annual conference organized by Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.   Students from many different universities and many parts of the world (Latin America, Asia) were eager to hear from the experience of professionals and academics. …

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New Presidency of the World Bank

Recently, the World Bank has received attention from the media because they are about to appoint the new president. This is the first time that the World Bank has been subject to a competitive process. Previously, the U.S. president selected it. There are currently three candidates for the position, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweal, Jose Antonio Ocampo and …

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Fukushima y Deepwater Horizon: reacciones políticas

Read this post in English Abril 2010: Deepwater Horizon, fuga de petróleo en el golfo de México. Durante tres meses, el petróleo fluye sin cesar. Este fue el mayor derrame de petróleo en la historia del oro negro. La explosión mata a 11 hombres. El derrame causó daño ambiental en los hábitats marinos y en …

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Fukushima vs Deepwater Horizon: political reactions

April 2010: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. During three months, oil flows unabated. This is the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of oil extraction. The explosion kills 11 men. The spill caused extensive environmental damage to marine and wildlife habitats, as well as economic damage to the fishing and tourism industries. March 2011: …

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Mujeres Rurales:hacia el desarrollo sustentable

En las últimas dos semanas las Naciones Unidas celebró la Comisión sobre la Condición de la Mujer (CSW por sus siglas en inglés). La CSW es un cuerpo de gobierno dedicado exclusivamente a los derechos de la mujer y la igualdad de género. Esta comisión se reúne anualmente durante 10 días hábiles. El principal resultado …

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Rural women: the road towards sustainable development

For the last two weeks the United Nations held the 56th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The CSW is the principal global policy-making body dedicated exclusively to women’s rights and gender equality. This commission meets annually for 10 working days. The principal outcomes of the commission are the agreed conclusion between member (45 …

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Rio+20, El Futuro que queremos?

El próximo Junio la ONU tendrá una importante conferencia sobre Desarrollo Sostenible, titulada Río +20. El objetivo de la conferencia es renovar el compromiso político de los estados miembros de la ONU para asegurar el desarrollo sostenible.  La conferencia se centrará en dos cuestiones fundamentales: la promoción de una economía verde y la creación de …

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