Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson is working towards her Ph.D. at Nova Southeastern University with a focus on Conflict Analysis and Resolution. She also holds a Master’s degree in Diplomacy with a concentration in international conflict resolution from Norwich University. Sarah has ten years of experience working in plaintiff’s civil litigation with an emphasis on civil rights issues. She has experience in community mediation, restorative justice, and community conflict resolution. She has a general passion for Diplomacy and improved Public Policy Change with regards to issues of terrorism and human trafficking. As an SISGI intern, Sarah’s focused on global public policy on terrorism and human trafficking, the growth of U.S. domestic poverty, and international women’s issues.

Most commented posts

  1. The Connection Between Human Trafficking and Terrorism — 6 comments
  2. Mail Order Brides: Should This Be Legal In The U.S.? — 2 comments
  3. Prosecution of Human Trafficking Offenders in the United States — 2 comments
  4. Child Poverty in America — 1 comment

Author's posts

Mail Order Brides: Should This Be Legal In The U.S.?

Mail Order Bride services have been legal in the U.S. since the 18th Century where men would scour catalogues of women available abroad for marriage.  Today the same services are conducted via the internet where many American men are looking for a woman with “traditional values”, or a woman who will stay at home, take …

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U.S. Domestic Violence Laws in America: How They Fail Women?

Domestic violence is a painful issue that women have faced for centuries in the United States and abroad.  As time goes by and our legal system becomes more progressive addressing complex issues such as cyber terrorism and modern day piracy I am amazed how domestic violence laws haven’t made much progress.  In fact it may …

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Foreclosure Conversion: Housing for the Homeless

Ever since the recession of 2008, we have seen an incline in homeless Americans.  The contradiction to this trend is that we have more vacant houses than ever in the U.S. as homes slide into foreclosure and people can’t afford to maintain a mortgage with an outrageous interest rate.  When the housing bubble of 2008 …

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Prosecution of Human Trafficking Offenders in the United States

Prosecuting human trafficking offenders in the United States is a difficult task at best as public policy does not always support the criminal justice system.  Over the past ten years the United States implemented strong public policy measures to address human trafficking and implemented sentencing guidelines to punish traffickers.  Prosecution is what I would call …

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Prescription Drug Abuse: A Side Effect of the U.S. Recession

Starting in 2007 we had the worst recession in U.S. history and the only economic event that has ever been worse was the depression.  People were losing their homes due to being upside down on their mortgages.  Unemployment sky rocketed to over 10% for the nation.  Suicides and episodes of domestic violence increased.  Unfortunately drug …

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Closing the Gender Gap: A step in the right direction

Women have their own unique qualities which they bring to leadership and through their global leadership; they lend those qualities to the world as a whole.  The fact is that women lead differently than men.  Not better mind you, just different.  Women are more empathic and consider an element of empathy when making political or …

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Child Poverty in America

When the recession hit in 2008 I was living in Port St. Lucie, Florida.  Port St. Lucie is a small city on the east coast side of Florida about midway in between Orlando and Fort Lauderdale.  Florida was hit particularly hard by the recession and the unemployment rate jumped from 8% to 16% in some …

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The Connection Between Human Trafficking and Terrorism

Human trafficking and terrorism are two huge social and political issues which plague our society with the responsibility to identify and eliminate the root causes.  As I stated in my first blog earlier this week, it is not enough to just educate society, monitor progress and sanction countries who do not fall into compliance with …

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Monitoring Global Human Trafficking

If I asked you what your idea of a perfect world would be you may say something like “I want to see the end of poverty”, or “I would like to see the end of war and destruction.”  For me, I want to see the end of human trafficking.  Human trafficking is the forced service …

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