Tag: united states

5 Ways to Support LGBTQ Youth Mental Health

rainbow painted hands

There seems to be an attack on the LGBTQ community in recent years, especially on our already vulnerable LGBTQ youth. I wish I was exaggerating, but an article published by the Human Rights Campaign last year declared that “2021 Officially Became the Worst Year in Recent History for LGBTQ State Legislative Attacks,” stating that more than 250 …

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Day of Silence, 2022

blog banner of hands holding clay that reads LGBTQ

Annually, April 8th honors the LGBTQ+ students who are regularly silenced in the classroom. Their stories and authenticity are stifled by anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ legislation that too often infiltrates the public school curriculum.  Recently, the Florida government signed into law their “Don’t Say Gay Bill.” This bill prohibits teachers from discussing gender identity or sexual orientation …

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5 Meaningful Ways to Support Youth This School Year

young people commuting

August 2021 marks the return to school for the majority of students across the U.S. For most school districts, this means in-person learning, and for some, this will be their first offline learning experience in 18 months. The progress in protections from COVID-19 through vaccines, social distancing measures, and other safety protocols has recently been …

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The Disparities and Inequalities of COVID-19: How coronavirus has impacted the BIPOC community

The narrative that the coronavirus does not discriminate based on race, gender, or class is a false concept that needs to be addressed. While in theory, yes, the coronavirus does not discriminate, our systems do. A year into the pandemic, the coronavirus has deepened the consequences of pre-existing inequalities that are placed on BIPOC (Black, …

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Puerto Rico After María: Sicómoro Inc.

Sicomoro Inc is a Christian faith based organization helping the children and families in Puerto Rico recover from Hurricane Maria

Sicómoro Inc. is a Christian based organization that started in 2005 in Barrio Obrero, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and serves disadvantaged communities. This organization provides bible studies, educational workshops, and food and clothing banks. Sicómoro Inc. has worked with the communities of Puerto Rico before and after Hurricane María. Volunteers from Sicómoro helped after Hurricane María …

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Puerto Rico After María: Relief for Puerto Rico

Relief for Puerto Rico is in need of services and donations to help rebuilt Puerto Rico

Relief for Puerto Rico (Relief4PR) was established due to the need for reputable organizations able to distribute supplies and resources after Hurricane Maria impacted the Island. Relief for Puerto Rico works as a collaborator with other organizations and people’s donations, by distributing supplies like food and water. In Puerto Rico, the pipes distributing water work …

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Puerto Rico After María: Tarps for My People

relief after hurricane maria

One goal of the SISGI Beyond Good Ideas Foundation #Voices4PR social media campaign is to raise awareness of the current situation in Puerto Rico. Many families in Puerto Rico are still without electricity stability, clean water, roofs, and resources to satisfy other basic needs. The mental health traumatic effects after María are still untreated, and the …

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Puerto Rico After María: The Exodus from Puerto Rico

After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico had the largest exodus in island history. Currently, 500,000 Puerto Ricans have left the Island in the past decade. I am part of the group of Puerto Ricans who left the island in search for better opportunities. The island of Puerto Rico, like other countries, is going through a social, …

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Prisons: United States vs. European Union

I’ve written a lot of articles over the past few months surrounding the US prison system. The problems I see. How they came about. Changes I think we should make. But I’ve never discussed prison systems outside the United States. And I’ve never actually described what an alternative prison system could look like. But just …

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The Positives of a Little Negative Stigma

What the Anti-Smoking Campaign Got Right If there’s one thing that the United States has gotten right, it’s smoking. Or the lack of smoking, to be more exact. I first realized this while studying abroad in Italy last semester. While I was in Italy, I was shocked by the amount of people who smoked, and …

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