Katherine Peterson

Katherine Peterson is a graduate of NYU in New York, and received a Masters in International Relations and Development. Her course work has focused on international development theory, and political and economic approaches towards improving conditions in the more impoverished parts of the world. This passion was spurned through her first hand experiences when studying abroad while in undergrad and examining the application of theoretical projects. By examining competing theories and past failures, she believes that developed nations and enlightened individuals working on the ground can unite in bringing about small and meaningful changes to the world. During her time working for The SISGI Group, Katie wrote about impact strategies and their effects on the globalized market, and the subsequent political ramifications that may ensue. Follow her on Twitter @ktp907

Most commented posts

  1. The Empathetic Society — 1 comment
  2. Greenpeace 40 year Anniversary: How Much Has Been done? — 1 comment
  3. Are Global Markets More Important Than Displaced Citizens? — 1 comment

Author's posts

Amnesty International Celebrates 50 years

With the 50 year anniversary of Amnesty International, how have you gotten involved in the movement? Do you know what AI is advocating for? What do you think they should do for the next 50 years to get their messages of human rights more widely appreciated?


The Empathetic Society

How much attention do you pay towards empathy? While not something we think about regularly, Ashoka is arguing that it is more important than we think, and they are implementing a new initiative in raising awareness about the role of empathy globally.


Community Support and Race to the Top

Last week I was watching Jon Stewart where he interviewed Arne Duncan, the Secretary of Education, when they discussed the education system in America and the new Obama plan of Race to the Top. You can watch the interview here, but essentially it is Stewart criticizing this new system, which has been a lackluster attempt to …

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MDG’S and the development of the new SDG’s

20 years ago, the Rio Earth Summit took place down in Brazil. Coming up on its anniversary in June, there will be another meting of nations where commitments will be renewed and progress will be evaluated. Two new focuses will be addressed: developing a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, …

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An Unlikely Election

Last year a province in China called Guangdong made headlines as the residents rioted over a land dispute with the local officials in December 2011. The village residents of Wukan were upset that local officials were taking their farmlands and selling them to large companies for profit. The month long protests led to the corrupt …

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The Super Bowl and the Increase of Sex Trafficking

This week many people here in the US are going to be gearing up for the big Super Bowl game this weekend. With team rivalry flourishing between the New England Patriots and New York Giants, the game will be played out on Sunday in Indianapolis and thousands will be both in attendance or watch it …

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Doing Business at the Bottom of the Pyramid

Last month, I had the opportunity to travel to Colombia for school to work on a consulting project (see my previous post about Colombia here). We were focusing our work on the bottom of the pyramid (BOP), which typically means the poorest sectors of society. In business schools today, growing attention is being paid to …

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Reflections on a Month in Colombia

This week, I got back from a month long trip working and traveling through Colombia. Since you are reading this article, clearly I have made it back in one piece, but apparently this was a shock to most of the people I told I would be traveling. Before leaving, I was subject to all sots …

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Looking Forward to Next Year’s Foreign Aid Budget

On Friday of last week, the House of Representatives passed a bill approving the foreign aid budget for 2012. Anticipating that the Senate will pass the bill this week, the winners and losers of the proposed budget allocations becomes clear. Foreign aid has become a big target in this economic recession, with government more hesitant …

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China’s Progress Towards Green Technology

A few months ago, I wrote an article about China’s effort to make the city of Shenyang more environmentally friendly.  In recent days with the Durban Climate Change Conference having just finished in South Africa, environmental issues have garnered a little more focus in the last few weeks. While I am typically a quick skeptic …

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