Tag: Food

School Meal Delivery During COVID-19

School closures at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic presented school districts with a unique dilemma: how to get school meals to children when they can’t physically attend school. According to the USDA, schools were responsible for feeding over 29 million students each day before the pandemic, and studies have shown that many children receive …

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What does food mean to you?

girls planting tomatos

Food, and the consumption of it, bridges the divide between the “biological” and “cultural” spheres of human behavior. While food consumption is necessary for survival, the preparation and selection of certain ingredients are heavily influenced by culture and social upbringing. Past these collective meanings of food, we also have individual psychological memories associated with food—both …

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Looking Back on China (8): Food Unsafety

In the past, when I asked my father whether he wanted to immigrate to another country, he refused without any hesitation. Now, he might hesitate due to a new concern – food. It’s not because he could not get enough to eat, but because there is very little food unpoisoned in China. Chinese people make …

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Nine-Year-Old Blogger Changes School Lunch System

English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton once stated, “the pen is mightier than the sword”. An act as simple as writing has the power to influence people, sway opinions, and forever change the course of history. This centuries-old adage has shown itself to be true time and time again. Sometimes it is referring to something as powerful …

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Students Turn Science Project into Reality

“Organic” is in. Same goes for “all natural”. “Fresh”. “Healthy”. Welcome to food marketing in the 21st century. Food buzzwords are everywhere these days, which leaves you wondering… what is real? A recent trend is community supported agriculture (CSA), in which you pay a local farmer at the beginning of a farming season and in …

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It’s Not All Bad – Healthy Decisions in Fast Food

While I write a lot about obesity problems in the United States, I’m like most people in that I love to eat. I love steaks, pizza, pasta, burgers, fries, quesadillas, and of course my all time favorite…fried chicken. In all honesty, I can’t remember ever choosing to order a salad at a restaurant. Hey, I’m …

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Farmers’ Markets: The Potential Cure for Food Deserts?

For millions of U.S. citizens their diets consist primarily of fast food. Unfortunately, however, this is not by choice. While no one is sitting these Americans down and forcing burgers and fries down their throats, many people would argue that they are still indirectly forced to eat this type of food. Now I’m sure you’re …

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Inversiones peligrosas

Read this post in English Durante los últimos años en los países del sur se está experimentando un aumento de la inversión extranjera directa en tierras agrícolas. Motivados en parte por la crisis alimentaria, los inversores públicos y privados están comprando millones de hectáreas de tierras agrícolas en África, Asia y América Latina. Sin embargo, muchas inversiones …

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Vertical farms

Is the next “green revolution” going to happen in cities? There are two main reasons that explain the increased interest in urban agriculture in the recent years. One of them is the increasing concerns about health and environmental impacts of large-scale industrial agriculture. On the other hand, urban agriculture is growing because it is becoming …

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