Kristen Wendt

Kristen is a senior communication major, sociology and psychology minor from Villanova University. Kristen's interest in social justice began shortly after arriving at Villanova in 2009. She has participated in many different volunteer opportunities like Special Olympics, Bigs and Littles, and an after-school program in Philadelphia during her time at Villanova. She has also participated in multiple service break experiences to Kentucky, Alabama, and Costa Rica to confront issues on everything from homelessness to environmental sustainability. Kristen was a Program and Research Intern for the SISGI Group for the summer of 2012, and will continue to write articles on issues of advertising, the media, gender, and education. Follow her on Pinterest

Most commented posts

  1. Olympic Coverage: Let’s Hear it for the “Girls” — 9 comments
  2. Girls’ Self Esteem Peaks At Age Nine — 3 comments
  3. The Gendered Nature of the English Language — 2 comments
  4. The Modern Day Feminist: Doorholding 101 — 2 comments
  5. Gender & Media: Behind the Weight Loss Craze — 2 comments

Author's posts

The Everyday Fears of an Ordinary Woman

I don’t want to live like this. I don’t want to live in fear. I don’t want to live in fear of every person who comes to the door. The plumber, the electrician, the cable guy. The mailman, the FedEx driver who comes to drop off a package on the front steps. The new neighbor …

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Turf Wars

You’ve probably heard about it. Then again, maybe not. Despite the fact that the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team has won three straight Olympic gold medals, and was runner-up in the 2011 World Cup, women’s soccer is still struggling to receive the attention and respect it deserves in both the mainstream U.S. sports media and …

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My Fight for the Preservation of the Cookie Jar

My mom and I have had an ongoing debate for oh… approximately twenty years or so. About what exactly, you might be asking yourself? Nutrition. Childhood nutrition, to be exact. Our debate mainly rests on the question – when it comes to childhood nutrition, is restriction really the best way to go? Let me set …

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Education Equality? The Color of School Closings

No more pencils. No more books. No more teacher’s dirty looks. A favorite song of mine, which I would often sing to myself every time June rolled around. The tune would play over and over in my head, as I would count down to the last day of school in a rush of projects, parties, …

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The Homelessness Series: Whose Story is Really Being Told?

In an appearance at the Washington, D.C., Politics and Prose bookstore, Ehrenreich informed an adoring audience that previous attempts she’d made to pitch books about poverty to magazine and book editors had most commonly met with failure. Poverty wasn’t interesting to their readers, the editors had told her. This book, she said, was different; it …

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The Homelessness Series: Andre’s Story

Social justice, good. Charity, bad. At least that’s always been my philosophy. It’s simple. Straightforward. Easy to follow. Maybe that’s the problem. This personal philosophy first developed sometime around my sophomore year in college. After participating in several break trips, and spending a lot of time reflecting on systemic social problems and injustices, I grew …

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The Homelessness Series: Back on My Feet

Anne Mahlum is a runner. Always has been. And in the early mornings of spring 2007, you could often find her running the sidewalks of Philadelphia, before heading to work for the day. On her runs, she would pass apartment buildings, businesses, and even a homeless shelter, which was just a couple blocks away. She …

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The Homelessness Series: What About the Kids?

According to a report conducted by the Coalition of the Homeless last month, a record high 50,000 people slept in New York City’s shelters this January. Fifty-thousand people. More people are now homeless in New York City than at any time since the Great Depression. Want to know an even scarier fact? Almost half of …

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The Homelessness Series: The Pursuit of Happyness

I’m just going to start off with the disclaimer: I love the movie The Pursuit of Happyness. I really do. However, I have one major objection to the film, which I would like to discuss with you. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, here’s the SparkNotes version: A man named Chris Gardner …

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The Homelessness Series: “The Game”

There are moments which redefine you. Ones that give you a whole new perspective on yourself, your identity, and the world you live in. Such moments force you to reevaluate your values, your beliefs, and everything you have always taken for granted about your life. Last March, one of those moments happened to me. This …

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