As I started working on this post, I did my usual scroll through twitter and a few of my favorite sites searching for a topic about women to write about. And as I’m sure you’re aware, there’s A LOT of information regarding women’s issues available these days. But as I was searching, something really struck …
Tag: politics
Jul 23
The London Summit on Family Planning
You may have seen on the news that July 11th was the London Summit on Family Planning, brought to you by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK Department for International Development (DFID). This summit was a landmark in the history of family planning, women’s health and women’s rights. The whole point of …
Jul 06
The Politics of Women’s Health in the US: Part Three
The biggest news last week was no doubt the Supreme Court ruling upholding President Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), or you may know it by its catchier on name ‘Obamacare’. The Act does a lot of good for different groups of Americans, but the one I want to look at is the biggest: women. This …
Jun 28
The Politics of Women’s Health in the US: Part Two
Apparently freedom of speech and talking like an adult are not acceptable in some places in 2012. Specifically I’m talking about the Michigan House of Representatives where, as you may have heard, one female state representative and her colleague were banned, banned, from speaking because of a word that was uttered. What could she have …
Jun 14
The Politics of Women’s Health in the US: Part One
The Debate Over What Emergency Contraception Does Exactly? I thought that the issue of emergency contraceptives pills (or also commonly called the morning-after pills, but referred to as ECs from here on out) was settled. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that everyone supported it, but thought that at least it was an accepted method …
Mar 02
Pipeline Politics
It’s no surprise that over the past few months, gasoline prices have been skyrocketing. Today’s national average price for a gallon of gasoline is $3.73, quickly approaching the highest recorded average price of $4.11. One issue that seems to be a recurring topic in this discussion is the decision to postpone the construction of the …