Will a country where there are 18,943 people in per square mile open its door for more immigrants? The Singapore government says yes. The Lee Hsien Loong administration published its latest population white paper in January, in which the government projects to increase its population to 6 million in 2030. This ambitious blueprint will be …
Tag: immigration policy
Jul 10
H-2B Visa: The Potential for Forced Labor
When we talk about immigration in this country we almost always focus on undocumented migrants rather than documented ones. Because for some reason, we have this idea that our immigration system has no real issues and we just need to solve the problem of undocumented workers to make it perfect. Unfortunately, that simply isn’t the …
Jun 13
Economy vs. Equality: What’s More Important in Visa Law?
You’ve decided you want to come to the United States. So now you’ve got to figure out what kind of visa you qualify for and how you go about getting it. There are 185 types of US visas, all of which have certain requirements and restrictions attached to qualifying for and then using them. The …
Jun 06
Human Smugglers: The Real Immigration Issue
The United States has a massive immigrant population, approximately 11 million of whom are here undocumented. Individuals without documentation are often at the center of law enforcement efforts, the focus of all research concerning immigration, and the focus of people’s anger and problems with immigration in this country. But why is that the case? What …
May 22
Problems with Alabama’s New Immigration Law
Immigration has been a hot button issue throughout the Southern United States for years now. With an undocumented population of approximately 11.5 million, state and federal governments have proposed a multitude of ideas on how best to manage the situation. The most extreme responses have come from Arizona and Alabama with the Support our Law …
Feb 24
Mail Order Brides: Should This Be Legal In The U.S.?
Mail Order Bride services have been legal in the U.S. since the 18th Century where men would scour catalogues of women available abroad for marriage. Today the same services are conducted via the internet where many American men are looking for a woman with “traditional values”, or a woman who will stay at home, take …
Feb 09
Remittances, Poverty and Development
Immigration in the U.S. is a very hot topic that often gets simplified to one word: poverty. It can very well be that poverty is one of the key issues that has increased immigration trends to the U.S. However, it is often too easy to compile all the structural and political problems into one big …
Sep 20
Migración rural en México
Read this post in English Se calcula que en México, alrededor del 50% de la población es urbana. Desde 1940, la población urbana empezó a crecer exponencialmente porque hubo una falta de apoyo a la población rural. En los últimos 50 años, han habido decisiones económicas y políticas que han cambiado la distribución de la …
Sep 13
Mexico’s Rural Migrations
In Mexico, it is calculated that a little over 50% of the population is urban. Since the 1940’s, the urban population began to grow exponentially because of the lack of economic support for the rural population. In the last 50 years there have been important political and economic decisions that have given people large incentives …
Jun 02
One Journey
Using Art for Social Change Many people live less than a half hour away from their extended family. But what if the distance that separated your family was not due to geographic miles but national boundaries? What if you could see the city where your family lived but were unable to visit because you had …