Tag: Internet

Using Social Media to Track Infectious Diseases

Next time you are sick with the flu, make sure you tweet about it!  By tweeting, you may be helping health professionals around the world track potential outbreaks. Social Media is a huge part of people’s lives and has become a societal norm. People are constantly updating their facebook statuses, or tweeting about everything they …

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Is Access to the Internet a Human Right?

Two-thousand eleven changed the status of the virtual world. It went from being a privilege of a few to being declared a human right. Traditionally, human rights were defined as those essentials that every individual in this globe should be able to access.  This list included clean water, food, clothing, housing and shelter and others …

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Educación gratuita en línea

Hoy en día, Internet es nuestra principal fuente de información. Usamos el Internet para leer las noticias, para comunicarse, pero sobre todo para aprender. Es un fuente de conocimiento de gran alcance que está teniendo un impacto sobre el uso que le damos a las bibliotecas y a otros centros de investigación. Cada vez más, …

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Free, online education

Nowadays, Internet is our main source of information. We use the Internet to read the news, to communicate, but most of all, to learn. It is a powerful learning resource that is taking over the use we give to libraries and other onsite research sites. This week I was introduced to an interesting website that …

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The Viral Education

“Hi I am Sal Khan. I am the founder and faculty of the Khan Academy and we are trying to educate the world.” These were the first words I heard Salmaan Khan speak when I watched my first video on the Khan Academy. I was instantly impressed. A single article would never be able to …

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