Udit Hinduja

Udit Hinduja is a graduate of New York University and double majored in Economics and Political Science. His focus areas were education, poverty and economic development in Asia and South America.

Author's posts

The Power of Pensions

Using Social Protection Mechanisms to fight Poverty Social Protection. These two words alone have the ability of easing the tension burden on old and poor people. Over the past few years, more and more attention is being given to this new development tool after the realization that it can combat povertyeffectively. Even while you are …

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Tourism=Economic Development?

How Tourism is Helping Economic Development Traveling to quaint and unique places has always been my passion. As an avid traveler myself, I enjoy experiencing different cultures and places. Now, while I love thinking of myself as the only person who actually indulges in some adventure travel, the reality of the situation is that there …

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Tackling Education on the African Continent

Over the past decade, public spending on education in sub-Saharan Africa has increased by more than 6 % each year, according to the latest report released by UNESCO. Thereal question however, is not how much money is being spent, rather how exactly it is being distributed. The report showed some promising results. The increase in …

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The Viral Education

“Hi I am Sal Khan. I am the founder and faculty of the Khan Academy and we are trying to educate the world.” These were the first words I heard Salmaan Khan speak when I watched my first video on the Khan Academy. I was instantly impressed. A single article would never be able to …

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The Food Price Shock

How the Global Food Crisis is Pushing More People into Poverty As a child, I hated being forced to finish eating my vegetables. I would always hide them in strategic locations like underneath my plate or behind the water jug. Only now as an adult have I finally realized the importance of food and how …

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Antibiotic Resistance

An Analysis into the Latest Threat Humanity Faces One of the leading causes for the rise of average life expectancy in the 20th century was the development of effective antibiotics. Antibiotics are defined as any compound that either kills or severely impedes the growth of bacteria. Penicillin and other antibiotics were termed ‘wonder drugs’ and …

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Government & Security – Part III

In my previous post, I spoke about how corrupt governments and conflicts seriously dampen a countries quest to economic development and poverty eradication. While these posts were very general, today I would like to provide you with specific examples from across the world to show you what I mean. Lets begin with India. One third …

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Government & Security – Part II

The Opportunity In my last post, I spoke about how developing nations face two main obstacles in their path to economic and social development. Corruption in government and constant conflicts often plague developing nations and inhibit their ability to break the shackles of poverty. I believe that the countries that have the best chance of …

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Government & Security

The Challenge Development in African countries faces a serious barrier. Over the past two decades, democratization has swept across Africa, reaching countries like Egypt, Tunisia and now Libya. But while the international community rejoices, what they need to understand is that democratization is just the first step. The eradication of poverty is not that simple. …

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The Economic Atom Bomb

On the 11th of March, at precisely 2:46 p.m., a 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck Japan leaving destruction in its path. The loss of lives and property are constantly rising even today. But probably one of the biggest blows to Japan was the crumbling of its economy. Questions arose of whether the 3rd largest economy in the …

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