Category: Institute for Social Change

Who’s In Control of Water: 6th World Water Forum

Two years ago I traveled to Peru for some volunteer work through the ProWorld organization at NYU.  The work that all of the students did there were mostly built clay stoves with chimneys leading outside the house for better breathing conditions.  But during this trip, what struck me the most besides the poor breathing conditions …

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Improving our Future by Outdating Gender Roles

My first memory of rejecting societal gender roles was when my mom sent me to school in pig tails one morning. These pig tails were bad, too. They stuck straight out from the sides of my head and had bows, and my mom insisted that I wear them. Even now, almost 20 years later, I …

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The Visible Issues with Invisible Children

Almost everyone these days has been talking about the viral video, “Kony 2012.”  The video is an attempt by the organization, Invisible Children, to bring awareness to Joseph Kony and his group LRA.  Kony, a Ugandan leader of the LRA, kidnaps young children, and turns them into child soldiers.  There is no denying the fact …

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Free, online education

Nowadays, Internet is our main source of information. We use the Internet to read the news, to communicate, but most of all, to learn. It is a powerful learning resource that is taking over the use we give to libraries and other onsite research sites. This week I was introduced to an interesting website that …

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Women’s Equality Day

“I call upon the people of the United States to celebrate the achievements of women and recommit ourselves to the goal of gender equality in this country.” –          President Barack Obama Today has officially been declared Women’s Equality Day in the United States—yet it is widely unheard of by most Americans.  On August 26, 1920, …

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America’s Hidden Secret Part II

In my last post, I gave an overview of the plight of U.S. child farmworkers and the lack of protection they receive.  Hundreds of thousands of children are working on U.S. farms, picking the fruits and vegetables that land in our regularly shopped grocery stores.  Despite popular belief, the agricultural industry has been found to …

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America’s Hidden Secret

Do you know who is picking your fruits and vegetables?  I bet you wouldn’t think that children as young as 5 are working the farms and fields that supply your grocery stores.  I bet even more that you wouldn’t think the farms and fields I am referring to are in the United States.  The truth …

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Pobreza: Desigualdad o Escasez?

Vivimos en un mundo con desigualdades económicas, divididos entre los países “desarrollados” y los en vía de desarrollo, el Norte y el Sur. Como ciudadanos del mundo, reaccionamos con estás desigualdades económicas de diferente manera. Naciones desarrolladas y sus ciudadanos muchas veces sienten “la responsabilidad del hombre blanco” (para citar el poema de Kipling). Para …

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Freedom of Speech or Insensitive Gibberish?

I am all for freedom of speech but not when it becomes abusive and offensive.  On Wednesday, the New York Post released their daily newspaper displaying a controversial image and relaying what many are calling a highly absurd and unreasonable message to the public.  The Post, in their attempt to metaphorically compare the recent highs …

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Fossils, Artifacts, and Higher Education

Today’s Museums are Delving into Academics, and Giving out Graduate Degrees. Though museums have always been known to be educational havens, they have never been quite as educational as they are today.  As mentioned in a previous post, many undergraduate students have been looking to further their occupational prospects by pursuing higher education.  In an …

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