Tag: Twitter Chat

#APYDCHAT: Ending Youth Homelessness

Approximately 4.2 million youth in America are experiencing homelessness. Unfortunately, being homeless is something that is not always visible to the public eye. Homeless youth, in particular, are a hidden population that often couch-surf with friends, and are left out of most Point-in-Time counts. Still, current data indicate that youth homelessness is on the rise. From …

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Busting Macro Social Work Myths – #alsoSW Tweetchat

In celebration of National Social Work Month, SISGI Intern and MSW student Jenn Hurtig (@jfhurtig) is hosting a Tweetchat. Join us Thursday March 31, 2016 at 12 PM EST on Twitter for a lively conversation surrounding the myths and misconceptions about careers in macro social work. Anyone is welcome! Macro social work is the concentration …

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