Tag: prevention

Shelter in Place Order and What It Means During Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

In just a short month, states across the U.S. have been unsettled by the alarming rates of new COVID-19 cases being announced each day. While the majority of Americans are fighting this battle in isolation from the comfort of their homes, many are finding it difficult to escape the stress and anxiety of it all. …

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#APYDCON 2018: Youth Homelessness

Approximately 4.2 million young people experience homelessness during the course of a year. A runaway or homeless youth can be anyone between the ages of 14 to 24 who do not have a stable place of residence. This includes living on the street, shelters, “couch surfing,” sleeping in cars or public transit systems or living …

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#APYDCHAT: Ending Youth Homelessness

Approximately 4.2 million youth in America are experiencing homelessness. Unfortunately, being homeless is something that is not always visible to the public eye. Homeless youth, in particular, are a hidden population that often couch-surf with friends, and are left out of most Point-in-Time counts. Still, current data indicate that youth homelessness is on the rise. From …

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A Successful Strategy for Malaria Control

Last week, April 25th, was World Malaria Day.  This awareness day began in 2007 by the World Health Assembly. Malaria is an illness that does not seem to exist in the US or many other countries. However, the problem persists in many developing countries. This is where people are most vulnerable to malaria. In 2010, …

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