In celebration of National Social Work Month, SISGI Intern and MSW student Jenn Hurtig (@jfhurtig) is hosting a Tweetchat. Join us Thursday March 31, 2016 at 12 PM EST on Twitter for a lively conversation surrounding the myths and misconceptions about careers in macro social work. Anyone is welcome!
Macro social work is the concentration in the profession that looks at systems and institutional level social change. Often social work is associated with clinical and direct practice work but social workers can also be found in roles such as an executive director leading a national organization or a consultant designing a community wide initiative. They also are policy makers, educators, researchers and community organizers. Students interested in the field of social work are often curious about the career opportunities for MSW professionals that have a macro social work concentration. Our Tweetchat will cover some of these topics and even more, so please join this online conversation!
The hashtag for this conversation is #alsoSW, which is an abbreviation of ‘Also Social Work’.
In order to join to the conversation, follow @Sisgigroup and @NotEnoughGood on Twitter. At the time of the chat simply type the hashtag #alsoSW in the Twitter search bar or visit our Twitter page (@Sisgigroup) and click on the hashtag in a post to see all of the recent posts.
Make sure to use the hashtag #alsoSW when you reply to questions or retweet posts of other users in the conversation, otherwise we will not be able to see your Tweets!
Never participated in a Tweetchat before? Check out How to Participate in a TweetChat by The Social Media Coach to learn the Do’s and Don’ts of Tweetchats.