Tag: journalism

Getting the Truth in Syria

Syria has, understandably, been a top point in the news lately as conflict continues to rage.  Indeed, I’ve written quite a few posts on Syria in the past, and could continue to write about the country for some time while only barely scratching the surface of the issues.  A quick Google search for news in …

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What About the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

Let’s talk about the Democratic Republic of the Congo. What about it exactly, you may be asking? Good question. Because up until last week, I had never even heard of the country mentioned in the media before. That’s before I learned that it was the location of the deadliest conflict in the world since World …

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Who Owns the Media?

Everybody knows about “the media”. Everybody talks about “the media”. However, how many people know who actually owns the media? In 1983, there were 50 companies, which owned approximately 90% of the American media. However, the media landscape has changed dramatically in the last thirty years due to globalization, commercialization, and large-scale consolidation. Currently, there …

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