Tag: professional development

Virtual Internship – Real Experience

When I tell others that my internship is online, I usually know what is coming next.  It most likely will be laughter followed by comments such as “That must be so easy” or “I wish I could go to work in my pajamas”.  Remarks such as these are made by those who may not be …

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Looking to the Future – Is Higher Education the right choice?

What type of higher education is best for you? I have written countless articles that revolve around the topic of college, and the significance of a college education.  As a college student myself, I am a firm believer that education is an important tool that will benefit young people in the future.  However, the worldwide …

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Networks and Connections at the IS Conference

It is always fascinating to be in a room full of people focused on changing the issues that plague society. For some it will be improving education, for others it is funding that next great social innovation. For others it may be researching and determining the best way to address a community health crisis. Though …

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