Category: Environment

My Sea Turtle Story

I’ve wanted to write this story for a while, but never really knew where to start. How do you ever really define an entire experience with only a couple words? How do you write an article teaching a lesson that it took you yourself over ten months to understand? I’ve decided to start with the …

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BP Partners with London 2012 Olympics on Sustainability

Sometimes the irony of a situation is just so glaringly obvious it’s hard to believe it’s real. In just a few days the London 2012 Summer Olympics will kick off two and a half weeks of athleticism at its finest. One of the major themes of the games this year is to create the first …

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Holy Heat Wave: Is this proof of Climate Change?

I’m sure most of you reading this have experienced or have heard about how triple digit hot, and I mean hot, it has been from the Midwest to the East Coast the past week and a half. This summer is brutal and it’s only just started. Already dozens have died from these record high temperatures. …

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