Thomas Stevenson

Thomas Stevenson is a Master of Social Work intern with SISGI Group’s Institute for Social Change. He is currently a student at the University of Southern California and holds a Bachelor of Psychology from the University of Maine. Thomas has completed research in areas related to LGBTQ+ communities, interpersonal violence, suicidality, and self-harm. In addition to academic experience, Thomas has had significant professional exposure as a grassroots canvasser, domestic violence advocate, personal care attendant for individuals with memory disorders, a crisis response worker, and a residential counselor. He has also served as a trainer, mentor, and peer within many of these communities. Thomas identifies as a queer, transgender man.

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  1. Ending Anti-Transgender Violence — 1 comment

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Ending Anti-Transgender Violence

Although Trans Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance have passed, the violence perpetrated against this community will not end unless we continue to fight against it year-round. As a survivor of multiple forms of anti-transgender violence, and a friend to many other trans and gender nonconforming victims and survivors, I have seen first hand …

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Anti-Transgender Violence: The Continuing Epidemic

I was raped at the age of 19, and a year later was threatened with death and sexually assaulted once more. I have been told that I “should be brought behind a barn and shot”, and that I should be “put on an island with people like [me] and have bombs dropped on [us]”, among …

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