Amplifying Youth Voices: WA COVID Response Corps Addresses Food Insecurity

Pictures of AmeriCorps members helping in their communities

In October 2020, The SISGI Group had the opportunity to partner with The Shultz Family Foundation to support 125 AmeriCorps members who opted to serve in the Washington COVID Response Corps. During an uncertain time in our world, young people in Washington state stepped up in a big way to serve their communities and individuals experiencing food scarcity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

AmeriCorps members from the Washington COVID Response Corps serve at multiple locations around the state in various capacities. Some members are planting and harvesting food for communities, some assist with food distribution, and other members are behind the scenes working in volunteer management or other operational capacities. Not only are the Washington COVID Response Corps members serving their communities, but they are also taking part in monthly professional development opportunities organized and facilitated by The SISGI Group. These professional development opportunities include online courses and attending live webinars with local organizations and community leaders to learn and share strategies to build community and address food insecurity. Members have also been working hard in small teams creating social media campaigns to bring awareness to the impact of COVID-19 on Washington communities. 

Image of two AmeriCorp membersTo say we are proud and honored to work with this inspirational group of youth is an understatement. When the pandemic hit, these individuals could have easily sat back and went forth with their studies, professions, or family lives. But instead, they heeded the call to take action and make a difference. 

We are excited for you to see what the Washington COVID Response Corps have worked on for the past six months. Follow The SISGI Group youth initiative, the Alliance for Positive Youth Development, @ideas4youyh on Facebook,  Twitter, and Instagram to help address food insecurity. We hope you engage with the content they created and are equally inspired to make a difference in your community. 


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