Key Quotes from Social Good Summit 2016 – Day Two


What an amazing two days at the Social Good Summit 2016. From the Vice President calling on us to challenge the way we manage cancer research to Demi Lovato sharing her challenges with mental illness and addiction, the US policies around social issues were pushed into a global conversation. Besides the celebrity ambassadors, there were global leaders, policy makers and entrepreneurs sharing ways to tackle the Global Goals and move the needle on global issues. Several apps, online resources and information to help people and companies develop a plan to tackle the goals were also shared, which helped to move the goals from idea to action. While last year we were called to “Tell everybody”, and make the goals famous. This year we were pushed to plan and commit. What will your group or organization do to address one or more of the Global Goals? Stay tuned as we share some of our plans throughout the year.

If you are looking for a bit of inspiration here are a few key quotes from the second day similar to the quotes we shared from day one. Also read a post from Genevieve on some of the highlights from the event especially on the role of women in leading the change or equality. You can also watch the videos and learn more on the Social Good Summit website.





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