Grief and Loss – Grieving Children in the U.S.

Each of us are impacted by grief and loss.  For some, the words “grief” and “loss,” signify the pain one feels after they’ve lost a loved one to death.  For others, the words “grief” and “loss” have a different meaning. November 19, 2015 is Children’s Grief Awareness Day.  In an effort to help spread the word and bring awareness to this important event, for the next month we will be highlighting five grief experiences of children and teens.  Starting today October 19, 2015 we will focus on grief and loss not only as pertained to death, but also divorce, deployment, incarceration, and foster care.  November 19th, Children’s Grief Awareness Day will be a culmination of our efforts where we will be hosting a tweet chat to discuss #Grief5. The goal of our social media conversation on November 19th will be to highlight these 5 aspects of grief and provide best practices to educators and others connected to youth.



Look for an upcoming blog post November 2, 2015 with more information regarding this campaign and plan on joining us November 19, 2015 to discuss what educators can do to best support our grieving children and teens.  Follow @Ideas4youth and @NotEnoughGood on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and join us in the chat all month long using the hashtag #Grief5.


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