Tag: Libya

Libya’s Anniversary

 Brief Editorial Note: Some of you may have noticed that I’ve been absent from Not Enough Good for the past few weeks. I suspended my posts so that I could move to London and settle into my new schedule as an International Relations graduate student, and now that I’ve (mostly) done so I will be …

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North African Migrants and The Peril at Sea

The topic of Libyan refugees is one that is so large, so broad and so important that I haven’t known where exactly to begin with it even though it’s something that is important to talk about. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of Libyans have fled the country since the start of the conflict in …

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Stopping Prison Abuse In Libya

Recently all I have been hearing on the news about Libya is the issue of prisoner abuse.  It has been alleged that the prisons scattered throughout Libya are the sites of reprisals against the supporters of the ousted Gaddafi regime, as well as people the militias have grudges against due to tribal and regional differences.  …

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Responsibility to Protect and the Arab Spring

We all know that the no-fly zone and military action in Libya is ongoing, but what few people know is that the action was undertaken using the Responsibility to Protect doctrine and as such is fairly controversial.  The United Nations enacted Responsibility to Protect (RtoP or R2P) during the 2005 UN World Summit as a …

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Debate Over Libya Rages on Capitol Hill

News on our involvement in Libya has taken a backseat recently after all the drama with Congressman Weiner and President Obama’s announcement about the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, but the conflict has been raging on despite the lack of US news media interest.  It’s been raging on here in the states, too; specifically, the …

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The Difficult Road Ahead

When the “Arab Spring” began in mid-December, 2010, most of the news coverage was quite hopeful.  North Africa would soon become democratic, which would be beneficial for the US, and life would rapidly improve for citizens who had been oppressed by dictators like Gaddafi and Mubarak.  But it didn’t quite happen like that.  Gaddafi still …

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