Tag: International Aid

Community Empowerment in Haiti

A great sense of empowerment is needed for the people of Haiti, who remain in a housing crisis two years after the earthquake. The empowerment of people in need is paramount to creating change. The best Aid workers are sometimes individuals who have lived in the communities needing help and are invested in their communities. …

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Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty

In the year 2000, the United Nations in association with other countries, created a global action plan to solve the world’s major problems by the year 2015. This global plan was divided into eight distinct goals: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, Achieve universal primary education, Promote gender equality and empower women, Reduce child mortality, Improve …

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The Pitfalls of Voluntourism

When I started writing for the Not Enough Good Blog exactly a year ago a quick Google search of the term “voluntourism” (a combination of volunteering and tourism) returned very few hits, but now voluntourism is becoming something of a buzzword.  In fact, it’s so popular now that last month Groupon offered a voluntourism trip …

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Why Haitian Women are Living in Fear

Two years after a devastating earthquake tore Haiti apart, the damage is still widespread. Hundreds of tent communities cover miles of land and the Haitians living in them suffer from the stresses of day to day living. Of the one and a half million people who were displaced by the earthquake, about five hundred thousand …

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Ending Human Trafficking in the Mekong Delta

I recently read a story on CNN about a community in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam that resides in and around a waste dump. Parents and their children spend hours a day, from when they wake to when they finally go to sleep, picking through trash for items that will keep them alive- food, …

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International Development through Education, Women, and Social Media

If you’ve had the chance to read my most recent posts, you know that the International Development Conference was held at Harvard earlier this month. I’ve written about some of the key takeaways from the education and women in development panels, but I wanted to write something about the overall conference and what I took …

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Latinoamerica y Los EE.UU: Desacuerdo Sobre Cuba

Este abril, la VI Cumbre de las Américas tuvo lugar en Cartagena, Colombia. La Cumbre no sólo trato una serie de temas, como el discurso de Shakira sobre la educación y el desarrollo infantil, sino que también dejo muchas preguntas  sin resolver. Una de ellas es si Cuba debe ser invitada a la próxima Cumbre …

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IDC Harvard: Micro evidence, macro learning

Last Saturday I attended Harvard’s International Development Conference (IDC) as a representative of the SISGI Group. The IDC is an annual conference organized by Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.   Students from many different universities and many parts of the world (Latin America, Asia) were eager to hear from the experience of professionals and academics. …

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Latin America and U.S Disagree Over Cuba

This April, the Sixth Summit of the Americas was held in Cartagena, Colombia.  Not only was an array of topics discussed at the Summit, including Shakira’s speech on education and early childhood development, but many questions were left unsettled.  One of these is whether Cuba should be invited to the Summit next time around (held …

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Education and the International Development Conference

Harvard’s 18th annual International Development Conference was held in Cambridge on Saturday. I had the opportunity to attend and sit in on some great panels about education, women, and corruption- all related to development. Speakers from the UN, the World Bank, USAID, and even one of Time Magazine’s top 100 most influential people in the …

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