Category: International Economic Development

El Agua: Ganancias vs Humanidad

Read this post in English Uno de los temas que me ha interesado cada vez más ha sido la inaccesibilidad del agua y la privatización del agua.  El último par de semanas, he estado siguiendo el Consejo Mundial del Agua y el Foro Mundial del Agua, los cuales se establecieron con el fin de abordar …

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Myanmar and the Politics of Tourism

Several months ago I wrote a post on the future of tourism in Myanmar (better known as Burma), which many groups were hoping to capitalize on in the coming years.  Myanmar has been largely untouched by tourists thanks to a combination of government restrictions and sanctions imposed by countries like the US, and now that …

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Gobiernos Locales Esenciales en el Problema del Agua

El otro día que estaba sentada en mi clase de Economía Política, mi profesor dio una respuesta muy sencilla de por qué surgen diferencias de desarrollo económico entre países: LAS INSTITUCIONES. Por supuesto, esta respuesta no es una epifanía, sino que más bien es una realización de lo que algunos países realmente carecen. Quizás no …

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Water: Profits vs Humanity?

One of the issues that I’ve become increasingly interested in has been the inaccessibility to water and the privatization of water.  The last couple of weeks, I have been following the World Water Council and the World Water Forum, which were established in order to address some of these issues.  Overall, I have found that …

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Local Governments Essential In Water Problem

As I sat in my Political Economics class the other day, my professor gave a very simple answer to differences in economic development between countries: INSTITUTIONS.  Of course, this answer is not an epiphany by any means, but rather it is a realization of what some countries really do lack.  We may not think about …

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Policy Balancing Act

Have you ever imagined being the President of the United States?  I haven’t really, it stresses me out just thinking about the competing responsibilities.  Maybe you’ve been a die-hard environmentalist, or a strong businesswoman, or an unfailing pacifist up until your inauguration, but no matter how true you are to your convictions there will be …

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Cambodia’s First IPO

Over the summer I wrote a blog post about the Cambodian Securities Exchange (CSX), which is the world’s smallest stock market—a stock market without stocks.  I explained that opening a stock market without any companies listed for trade was not as crazy as it sounded; opening a market marks a new phase of economic development …

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¿Quién está en control de agua?: El 6 º Foro Mundial del Agua

Read this post in English Hace dos años viajé a Perú por un trabajo voluntario a través de la organización ProWorld en New York University. El trabajo que nosotros hicimos allí fue construir estufas de barro con chimeneas que salían afuera de las viviendas para mejorar las condiciones respiratorias de las familias.  Sin embargo, lo …

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Who’s In Control of Water: 6th World Water Forum

Two years ago I traveled to Peru for some volunteer work through the ProWorld organization at NYU.  The work that all of the students did there were mostly built clay stoves with chimneys leading outside the house for better breathing conditions.  But during this trip, what struck me the most besides the poor breathing conditions …

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Holy Land Tourism

I had every intention of writing a follow-up piece to my much-discussed post on sustainable tourism in the Sinai Peninsula today, but while I was looking for news sources I came across something that I found very interesting: Holy Land tourism.  So responsible tourism in Egypt will just have to wait for a another day, I …

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